Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year :-)

Folks, I do hope that 2011 is everything you are hoping for. At the RV Park we had a full house last night at the Playa Del Rio room with a Low Country Boil prepared by one of the fellow travellers, Larry. The boil was authentic and very complete with several varieties of shrimp, red potatoes, rice, corn all spiced to perfection. It was followed by a couple of dessert selections that we provided and preceded by some appetizers that Suzy prepared. It was a wonderful evening including fireworks over the Gulf contributed by our condo neighbours!

As the New Year rolls over for me I am seriously thinking this could be my last post. Not that we are completing our travels by any means, in fact, we will soon be moving on again, and spring, summer and fall of 2011 will see us exploring many new places...

Enjoy the day and the year ahead everyone!

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